qode interactive strata
Faculty Members

Associate Professor



Villelmine (Vilma) Carayanni  is a Statistician and Associate Professor at the University of West Attica since 2015 (Department of Public and Community Health, Department of Τοurism Management). She graduated from the Athens University of Economics and Business (formerly ASOEE) and did postgraduate studies in Statistics and Econometrics in Toulouse (University of Toulouse I Capitole), and in Biometrics / Biostatistics and Health Economics at Claude Bernard University,). He received his PhD from Claude Bernard University in Lyon (Lyon I – Department of Applied Mathematics) specializing in decision-making models in social policy.

She was a founding member and elected Director of the Research Laboratory of Statistical Modeling and Educational Technology in Public and Environmental Hygiene of the Department. She has participated in a significant number of postgraduate programs: at the University of West Attica at Harokopio University and at the Medical School of Athens. He has participated in postgraduate programs as well as seminars of the Medical School of Athens and the University of Peloponnese. She has published three monographs in Greek and she has participated in numerous publications and conferences in Greek,  English and French language . and she has served as a reviewer in many international journals  in Greek and international conferences and publications in scientific journals. She is actively involved in research programs focusing on multivariate analyses  and on statistical methodology in policy evaluations.